All Workbooks

Congress in Action Workbook and Canvas Module
Congress in Action Workbook and Canvas Module

Description The Congress in Action Workbook, written with the support of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Zero Textbook Cost Program and Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Open Education Resources Initiative [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Workbooks
C-ID: POLS 110 - American
Journal Article Analysis Workbook
Journal Article Analysis Workbook

What does Journal Article Analysis Consist of? Journal Article Analysis consists of reading journal articles and analyzing them. You are responsible for identifying twelve parts of a journal article: title, main point, question, puzzle, debate [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Workbooks
Public Policy Project Workbook: 2022-2023 Edition
Public Policy Project Workbook: 2022-2023 Edition

Preface Inspiring publicly spirited and scholarly minded students means utilizing our knowledge of political ideals, institutions, and behaviors, and exploring the lifecycle of public policies – their formation, effectuation, and reformation – [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Workbooks
C-ID: POLS 110 - American
Simulation Workbook: International Relations Fall 2020 Edition
Simulation Workbook: International Relations Fall 2020 Edition

The political science sub-field of International Relations is the study of who gets what, when, where, how, and why primarily at the international level. International Relations has a long and rich history in world history and politics. A majo [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Workbooks
C-ID: POLS 140 - IR
Public Policy Project Workbook: Spring 2020 Edition
Public Policy Project Workbook: Spring 2020 Edition

Description: Inspiring publicly spirited and scholarly minded students means utilizing our knowledge of political ideals, institutions, and behaviors, and exploring the lifecycle of public policies – their formation, effectuation, and reformat [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Workbooks
Polimetrics: A Stata Companion to Introduction to Political Science Research Methods
Polimetrics: A Stata Companion to Introduction to Political Science Research Methods

Polimetrics is an open education resource, licensed CC BY-NC, and designed as a Stata companion to Introduction to Political Science Research Methods, 1st Edition, or IPSRM for short. This workbook provides a tour of the Stata software, an int [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Workbooks
C-ID: POLS 160 - Methods