Journal Article Analysis Workbook

What does Journal Article Analysis Consist of?

Journal Article Analysis consists of reading journal articles and analyzing them. You are responsible for identifying twelve parts of a journal article: title, main point, question, puzzle, debate, theory, hypotheses, research design, empirical analysis, policy implications, and contribution to the discipline, and future research.

Journal Articles vary in their organization and inclusion of these twelve parts. Many articles explicitly describe all or most of these parts; however, other articles may not state a part, or may omit it entirely.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the Journal Article Analysis, you will be able to do the following:

  • Define title, main point, question, puzzle, debate, theory, hypotheses, research design, empirical analysis, policy implications, contribution to the discipline, and future research.
  • Identify the title, main point, question, puzzle, debate, theory, hypotheses, empirical analysis, policy implications, contribution to the discipline, and future research of at least one peer-reviewed political science journal article.
  • Write out a research design of at least one peer-reviewed political science journal article.
  • Reflect on the experience of learning about and analyzing a journal article.

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