The ASCCC OERI provides professional development regarding OER via webinars, visits to colleges, events, and presentations. During the academic year, weekly webinars provide a forum to share discipline-based information as well as information on specific topics related to OER advocacy, adoption, and development. Live webinars provide an opportunity for the OERI to hear from faculty at the colleges and our archived webinars serve as a useful library of resources.
Archived ASCCC OERI Webinars and Events
ASCCC OERI: OER and Political Science – Friday, October 7, 2022, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Looking for political science OER? This webinar will review and explore the OER available to instructors who are designing or refreshing courses in US Government, Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Political Theory. Even if you don’t teach political science but are interested in integrating content related to the study of politics into your course, this webinar will provide an overview of OER that may be incorporated into your courses.
Cal OER will focus on OER efforts and impact, broadly defined, across the state of California and especially across the state’s three public higher education systems, the California Community Colleges, California State University, and University of California.
Join us as we showcase two new OERI-funded products: an ESL book that specifically supports California Community College students and a Comparative Politics book that is student-centered, inclusive, and examines topics such as gender, religion, and identity. Hear from the teams responsible for these new books about the focus, process, and ethos that guided their projects to completion.