This Reader for Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics consists of CC-licensed, peer-reviewed journal articles. Below is the General Description, Content, and Objectives based on the C-ID Course Descriptor POLS 130 – Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics.
This Reader for Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics consists of CC-licensed, peer-reviewed journal articles. Below is the General Description, Content, and Objectives based on the C-ID Course Descriptor POLS 130 – Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics.
Curator(s) of Resource
- Josh Franco, Ph.D.
General Description
Comparative analysis of different kinds of political systems, including their history, political institutions, processes and policies, the environments in which they occur, and their consequences.
- “The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency.” n.d. Accessed November 21, 2020. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/.
- Lührmann, Anna, Kyle L. Marquardt, and Valeriya Mechkova. 2020. “Constraining Governments: New Indices of Vertical, Horizontal, and Diagonal Accountability.” The American Political Science Review 114 (3): 811–20. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055420000222.
- Introduce different regime types and their resulting institutions in political systems.
- Defining Terms
- Regime
- Institutions
- Political systems
- “Field Listing :: Government Type — The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency.” n.d. Accessed November 21, 2020. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/299.html.
- Defining Terms
- Discuss theory regarding the stability of regimes and transitions from one regime type to another.
- Defining Terms
- Regime
- Stability
- Transition
- Gerschewski, Johannes. n.d. “Explanations of Institutional Change: Reflecting on a ‘Missing Diagonal.’” The American Political Science Review, 1–16. Accessed November 21, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055420000751.
- Iraq: Mikulaschek, Christoph, Saurabh Pant, and Beza Tesfaye. 2020. “Winning Hearts and Minds in Civil Wars: Governance, Leadership Change, and Support for Violent Groups in Iraq.” American Journal of Political Science 64 (4): 773–90. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12527.
- Defining Terms
- Include actual country examples of each regime type in terms of institutions, processes, political culture, historical/cultural context, and role of the people.
- Defining Terms
- Regime
- Institutions
- Processes
- Political culture
- Historical context
- Cultural context
- Role of the People
- “One Page Summaries — The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency.” n.d. Accessed November 21, 2020. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/docs/one_page_summaries.html.
- Bangladesh: Sheikh, Md Ziaul Haque, and Zahid Shahab Ahmed. 2020. “Military, Authoritarianism and Islam: A Comparative Analysis of Bangladesh and Pakistan.” Politics and Religion 13 (2): 333–60. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1755048319000440.
- Greece: Hangartner, Dominik, Elias Dinas, Moritz Marbach, Konstantinos Matakos, and Dimitrios Xefteris. 2019. “Does Exposure to the Refugee Crisis Make Natives More Hostile?” The American Political Science Review 113 (2): 442–55. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055418000813.
- India: Jassal, Nirvikar. 2020. “Gender, Law Enforcement, and Access to Justice: Evidence from All-Women Police Stations in India.” The American Political Science Review 114 (4): 1035–54. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055420000684.
- Kyrgyzstan: Hager, Anselm, Krzysztof Krakowski, and Max Schaub. 2019. “Ethnic Riots and Prosocial Behavior: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan.” The American Political Science Review 113 (4): 1029–44. https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305541900042X.
- Romania: Flesken, Anaïd. 2018. “Ethnic Parties, Ethnic Tensions? Results of an Original Election Panel Study.” American Journal of Political Science 62 (4): 967–81. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12385.
- Switzerland: Hainmueller, Jens, and Dominik Hangartner. 2019. “Does Direct Democracy Hurt Immigrant Minorities? Evidence from Naturalization Decisions in Switzerland.” American Journal of Political Science 63 (3): 530–47. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12433.
- Defining Terms
- Discuss the role of the state and popular participation in political and economic development within countries.
- Defining Terms
- The State
- Popular participation
- Political development
- Economic development
- Within country
- Denmark: Bhatti, Yosef, Jens Olav Dahlgaard, Jonas Hedegaard Hansen, and Kasper M. Hansen. 2019. “Is Door-to-Door Canvassing Effective in Europe? Evidence from a Meta-Study across Six European Countries.” British Journal of Political Science 49 (1): 279–90. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007123416000521.
- Kenya: Andrew Harris, J., and Daniel N. Posner. 2019. “(Under What Conditions) Do Politicians Reward Their Supporters? Evidence from Kenya’s Constituencies Development Fund.” The American Political Science Review 113 (1): 123–39. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055418000709.
- Mali: Gottlieb, Jessica, and Katrina Kosec. 2019. “The Countervailing Effects of Competition on Public Goods Provision: When Bargaining Inefficiencies Lead to Bad Outcomes.” The American Political Science Review 113 (1): 88–107. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055418000667.
- Russia: Dollbaum, Jan Matti. n.d. “When Does Diffusing Protest Lead to Local Organization Building? Evidence from a Comparative Subnational Study of Russia’s ‘For Fair Elections’ Movement.” Perspectives on Politics, 1–16. Accessed November 21, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1537592720002443.
- Defining Terms
- Introduce the use of the comparative method by utilizing diverse historical, regional, cultural, political and economic case studies.
- Defining Terms
- Comparative methods
- Case study
- Historical
- Regional
- Cultural
- Political
- Economic
- Barma, Naazneen H. 2016. The Peacebuilding Puzzle: Political Order in Post-Conflict States. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316718513.
- Blair, Graeme, Jasper Cooper, Alexander Coppock, and Macartan Humphreys. 2019. “Declaring and Diagnosing Research Designs.” The American Political Science Review 113 (3): 838–59. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055419000194.
- Mathews, Jud. 2020. “Günter Frankenberg’s Comparative Constitutional Studies: Between Magic and Deceit.” German Law Journal 21 (2): 299–303. https://doi.org/10.1017/glj.2020.5.
- Saiger, Anna-Julia. 2020. “Domestic Courts and the Paris Agreement’s Climate Goals: The Need for a Comparative Approach.” Transnational Environmental Law 9 (1): 37–54. https://doi.org/10.1017/S2047102519000256.
- König, Thomas, Guido Ropers, and Anika Buchmann. 2020. “Comparative Politics and Causal Evaluation of Structural Reforms: The Case of the UK National Minimum Wage Introduction.” Political Science Research and Methods 8 (2): 301–14. https://doi.org/10.1017/psrm.2019.45.
- Schleutker, Elina. n.d. “Co-Optation and Repression of Religion in Authoritarian Regimes.” Politics and Religion, 1–32. Accessed November 21, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1755048320000383.
- Thewissen, Stefan, and Olaf van Vliet. 2019. “Competing With the Dragon: Employment Effects of Chinese Trade Competition in 17 Sectors Across 18 OECD Countries.” Political Science Research and Methods 7 (2): 215–32. https://doi.org/10.1017/psrm.2017.35.
- Ecker, Alejandro, Konstantin Glinitzer, and Thomas M. Meyer. 2016. “Corruption Performance Voting and the Electoral Context.” European Political Science Review 8 (3): 333–54. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1755773915000053
- Mello, Patrick A. 2020. “Paths towards Coalition Defection: Democracies and Withdrawal from the Iraq War.” European Journal of International Security 5 (1): 45–76. https://doi.org/10.1017/eis.2019.10
- Defining Terms
At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
- Identify the role of the state.
- Define the state
- Roles of the state
- Compare political systems, both in theory and with actual country examples.
- Theoretical comparison of political systems
- Empirical comparison of political systems
- Explain the impact of the regional, economic, historical and cultural factors on political institutions and behavior.
- Regional factors
- Economic factors
- Historical factors
- Cultural factors
- Political institutions
- Political behavior
- Analyze political systems by using the comparative method.
- Distinguish among regime types and their central features.
License | CC BY-NC |
DOI | https://www.opolisci.com/readers/reader-for-introduction-to-comparative-government-and-politics/ |
Type | Readers |
C-ID | POLS 130 - Comparative |
Pedagogical Note | Not Yet |
See also different: | CC BY-NC, POLS 130 – Comparative, Readers |