Grant Writing: The Essentials
Grant Writing: The Essentials

By Dr. Jayme Renfro, Associate Professor of Political Science at University of Northern Iowa Welcome to the exciting and impactful world of grant writing! Whether you are a student embarking on a career in nonprofit management, a budding resea [...]

License: CC BY-NC-SA
State and Local Government and Politics: Prospects for Sustainability
State and Local Government and Politics: Prospects for Sustainability

Sustainability is about improving the odds of continued existence under preferred conditions.  Preferred conditions can entail many things.  Nineteenth century writer Henry David Thoreau presented a rather succinct glimpse of a very personal j [...]

License: CC BY-NC-SA
Type: Textbooks
Attenuated Democracy: A Critical Introduction to U.S. Government and Politics
Attenuated Democracy: A Critical Introduction to U.S. Government and Politics

Dear Students, I hope you enjoy this free textbook on the U. S. political system. Use it well. Why is this textbook free? Textbook prices are too high. The barriers to higher education are many—cost being a major one—and this is my own small a [...]

License: CC BY-NC-SA
Type: Textbooks
Immigration and Border Politics Syllabus, Final Paper Project, and Paper Rubric
Immigration and Border Politics Syllabus, Final Paper Project, and Paper Rubric

This contains a syllabus for an upper-division course on U.S. immigration policy, as well as the final paper project for the course where students had to submit an immigration-related policy proposal. The third component is the grading rubric [...]

License: CC BY-NC-SA
Type: Assignments and Rubrics