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International Organizations and Research Methods: An Introduction
International Organizations and Research Methods: An Introduction

Scholars have studied international organizations (IOs) in many disciplines, thus generating important theoretical developments. Yet a proper assessment and a broad discussion of the methods used to research these organizations are lacking. Wh [...]

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Type: Books
Data Management for Social Scientists
Data Management for Social Scientists

Nils B. Weidmann, Universität Konstanz, Germany The 'data revolution' offers many new opportunities for research in the social sciences. Increasingly, social and political interactions can be recorded digitally, leading to vast amounts of new [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Books
The Case for Case Studies
The Case for Case Studies

This book seeks to narrow two gaps: first, between the widespread use of case studies and their frequently 'loose' methodological moorings; and second, between the scholarly community advancing methodological frontiers in case study research a [...]

License: CC BY
Type: Books
Introduction to College Research
Introduction to College Research

Why This Book? The key to success in college research is to develop and hone your information literacy skills. These skills will prepare you to find and use information not only for college, but also in the workplace and your personal life. Ha [...]

License: CC BY
Type: Textbooks