All Books

International Organizations and Research Methods: An Introduction
International Organizations and Research Methods: An Introduction

Scholars have studied international organizations (IOs) in many disciplines, thus generating important theoretical developments. Yet a proper assessment and a broad discussion of the methods used to research these organizations are lacking. Wh [...]

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Type: Books
Data Management for Social Scientists
Data Management for Social Scientists

Nils B. Weidmann, Universität Konstanz, Germany The 'data revolution' offers many new opportunities for research in the social sciences. Increasingly, social and political interactions can be recorded digitally, leading to vast amounts of new [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Books
The Theory, Practice, and Interpretation of Customary International Law
The Theory, Practice, and Interpretation of Customary International Law

Although customary international law (CIL) has been central to international law from its inception, it is often misunderstood. This edited volume remedies that problem by tracing the history of CIL and provides an in-depth study of its theory [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Books
Balancing Power without Weapons: State Intervention into Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions. 
Balancing Power without Weapons: State Intervention into Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions. 

Description: Why do states block some foreign direct investment on national security grounds even when it originates from within their own security community? Government intervention into foreign takeovers of domestic companies is on the rise, [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Books
Bread, Cement, Cactus
Bread, Cement, Cactus

Description: In this exploration of the meaning of home, Annie Zaidi reflects on the places in India from which she derives her sense of identity. She looks back on the now renamed city of her birth and the impossibility of belonging in the in [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Books
Humanitarianism in the Modern World
Humanitarianism in the Modern World

Description: This is an innovative new history of famine relief and humanitarianism. The authors apply a moral economy approach to shed new light on the forces and ideas that motivated and shaped humanitarian aid during the Great Irish Famine, [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Books
Language and the Making of Modern India: Nationalism and the Vernacular in Colonial Odisha, 1803–1956
Language and the Making of Modern India: Nationalism and the Vernacular in Colonial Odisha, 1803–1956

Description: Through an examination of the creation of the first linguistically organized province in India, Odisha, Pritipuspa Mishra explores the ways regional languages came to serve as the most acceptable registers of difference in post-co [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Books
Networks and Institutions in Europe’s Emerging Markets
Networks and Institutions in Europe’s Emerging Markets

Description: Do ties between political parties and businesses harm or benefit the development of market institutions? The post-communist transition offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore when and how networks linking the polity and the [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Books
Stand out of our Light: Freedom and Resistance in the Attention Economy.
Stand out of our Light: Freedom and Resistance in the Attention Economy.

Description: Former Google advertising strategist, now Oxford-trained philosopher James Williams launches a plea to society and to the tech industry to help ensure that the technology we all carry with us every day does not distract us from pu [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Books
Taxes and Trust: From Coercion to Compliance in Poland, Russia and Ukraine.
Taxes and Trust: From Coercion to Compliance in Poland, Russia and Ukraine.

Description: Taxes and Trust is the first book on taxes to focus on trust and the first work of social science to concentrate on how tax policy actually gets implemented on the ground in Poland, Russia and Ukraine. It highlights the nuances of [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Books
The African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights in Context: Development and Challenges.
The African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights in Context: Development and Challenges.

Abstract: The treaty creating the African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples' Rights, if and when it comes into force, contains innovative elements that have potentially significant implications for current substantive and procedural appro [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Books
The Power of Standards: Hybrid Authority and the Globalisation of Services.
The Power of Standards: Hybrid Authority and the Globalisation of Services.

Description: Standards often remain unseen, yet they play a fundamental part in the organisation of contemporary capitalism and society at large. What form of power do they epitomise? Why have they become so prominent? Are they set to be as im [...]

License: CC BY-NC
Type: Books